Sadly, and I really do mean that, I am not able to bring a featured artist again this month. I had worried that this situation might arise during the heights of the Covid’s 19 pandemic, but it seems that only now, when we are all taking Covid less seriously, people I know are catching it. This is true of all the people I had lined up to participate in the monthly promotion I do of my fellow artists.
So, if you know anyone who might be interested in taking part, please do let them and me know. If you have been following me for a while you will know that this element of my blog is not restricted to painters, although most of the subjects have been so far. However, I have also featured a photographer, a videographer, and a sculptor. I also have a wire work artist lined up for later this year plus a leather worker, too, as I love supporting all artists from all walks of art.
The lovely ladies who were due to take part this month and last month are both still suffering and trying to catch up with sleep, their emails and their families. It is such a nightmare. This virus is not going to go away in a hurry, clearly.
My editor, bless him, suggested that since I am facing adversity, (ok, lets face it the lack of an artists to feature is not a huge problem in not a huge problem in the grand scheme of things), I might consider writing about a time when something else didn’t work out and how I solved the issue.
Well, as it happens I have a painting I have been working on in my current series which is just not hitting the mark for me.
This is how far I have come with it

I plan to paint over it completely and see if something more interesting emerges.
I have now applied some white, yellow and pale green which I am allowing to dry before adding another layer.

I think I will go for lilac and purple next to see what those colours do. Whatever happens if I just keep going, adding paint and scraping it back, something will emerge which I am happy with.

As this text needs to go off to my editor so that he can check it, return it and I can schedule it to appear as normal at 6pm on Sunday, I am not going to be finished with this piece.
It often happens when making a collection of works that one piece just doesn’t want to play ball. I might be able to keep going and find a place where I am happy with this work but I might decide that I have fallen out of love with the idea of it ever being ready. If that happens, I will paint it white and start all over again the next time I get some canvases out to work on.

I do work in multiples or in a series and usually my maximum pieces on the go it is nine. But not always and when I am working with smaller canvases it can often be more.
So like the featured artist blog and life in general, things don’t always work out how you expect and I am fine with that. Just regroup, decide on an alternative direction and enjoy the next journey.
If you have enjoyed reading this post, please like and follow me and please share it with people who you think might be interested. I am always on the lookout for new artists to feature as I know how much everyone enjoys reading about other artists. Also, if you think there is a subject you would like to know more about and would like me to write about, I will be happy to consider it. Sharing, liking, and following my blogs increases the number of people the algorithm shows the blogs to, so please share. Thank you in advance for supporting me this way.